Have you ever met someone without meeting them? Talked to someone online and just known that they are a wonderful person? Well I have met someone like that. Her name is Kathleen. I have talked with her practically every day for the past 3 or more years. She is one of the kindest people I have ever met. Sadly though Kat has been longing for something that only God can give her. She is longing for a baby. Her and her husband Eric have decided to go the adoption route. Today was a hard day for our dear sweet Kat. Yesterday she received a call saying she had a 50% chance of bringing home her sweet baby today. Unfortunately, the birth mom chose another family. Although I know in my heart that there must be a reason Kat didn’t get her baby today, I can’t help but grieve along with her. So today, I am making a wish. Christmas is a magical time of year, and miracles happen every day. Every year people wish for material objects and spend hundreds/thousands of dollars on things that in time will mean very little. Well this year I wish and pray that Kat and Eric will get their baby before the new year. I don’t care to receive any material possession, I simply wish for her to be able to hold a little baby, to have sleepless nights while her child cries, to see that babies first smile, to hold him/her when they are sick and to be able to comfort him/her. So tonight when you hug your children, and kiss their beautiful little heads good night, think of the women like Kat who desperately long for a child of their own. If you are at all thankful for the unconditional love you have for your child, I encourage you to say a little prayer for my dear kathleen that her prayers of feeling that love will be answered soon.