I had a fun little session with Baby J. She is just WAY too cute! She has amazing dimples and we all know how I am a sucker for a baby with dimples! Her daddy went out and got her her very own 1st bday cake! What a lucky little girl!
Smash that CAKE!
I love my girls. They bring me so much joy! I recently found heart shaped lollipops (or candypops as Rory calls them) at Target. I thought it would be fun to do a little shoot with my girls. Everything was going smoothly until I decided to take pictures of them together. Two little girls and one candypop is sure to cause a meltdown & of course my oldest is such a drama queen that it is just too funny not to share an out-take from the session 🙂
Ashlynn eyeing the lolli
Ashlynn gets it and Rory melts down lol (totally blurry but oh-so funny)
Before the lolli was brought out :p
Yumm! Taste that plastic wrapper!
Rory’s crocodile tears cleared up the second she got the lollipop back :p
My favorite pic of Rory in a LONG time. I plan on getting this printed and putting it in her room or in my studio 🙂
For those of you that don’t know, I have 3 little ones. My son has a serious case of PCS (photographer’s child syndrome). I often joke with clients that I could break my leg and if I am holding my camera the kid won’t look haha. He does NOT like his picture being taken so it is very rare that i am able to get any decent pics of him and by far almost impossible to get pictures of him WITH one of his sisters. Today I managed to do just that! For some reason he did much better taking pics in my studio when Rory was there to ‘boss’ him around. It was quite cute all of the ‘secrets’ she was telling him. It looked like she had some juicy gossip.
Aww they do love each other 🙂
Handsome little man sporting his new Texas A&M cap 🙂
Ashlynn Gracie turned 7 months old on Christmas Eve. Seeing as we were in Texas I wasn’t able to get the studio shots that I wanted. Well today seemed like just as good a day as any to try. Lynn was in a GREAT mood and her recent little bottom rash cleared up so I figured let’s do bare bum shots 🙂 Then of course I had to squish her in THE cup. Which she thought was pretty hilarious 🙂
You can see her 4 month ‘cup’ picture and her newborn cup picture HERE
Yes it is true, I am the most UN-organized person on earth. When my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I immediately said a million dollars and a maid. Well that was a bit un-realistic so instead I asked for an Organizer shelving unit 🙂 I LOVE it!!! I think it makes my studio look SO much less cluttered! I know that I really haven’t shared pics of my studio so here it is 🙂 In all its glory, complete with captions :p
Next on my agenda is to hang up some pictures and get a new ‘real’ floor 🙂
I know I am probably one of the ONLY Americans who HATE potatoes. Not only do I hate potatoes, mashed potatoes are by far the worst. Even the smell of them make my gag reflex start working. If I walk into a house making mashed potatoes and I haven’t prepared myself for the horrid smell you can easily find me running for the door. . . the bathroom door *GAG*. When I was a child I looked forward to the day when I would NEVER EVER have to be around mashed potatoes again. Well it would be JUST my luck that Logan, my 2 year old, is just as finicky of an eater as I was, and one of the ONLY things he will eat is potatoes! So I broke down and bought a 5 pound bag of mashed potatoes at the store yesterday. I figure that him eating potatoes HAS to be better then him ONLY eating goldfish crackers & scrambled eggs. So I am learning how to cook and mash up nasty disgusting potatoes. It’s ok though part of my New Years resolution is to have my family eat better. So tonight’s menu consisted of ‘mashed potatoes’, rice, marinated chicken, corn and green peas. More work than usual went into dinner & my husband LOVED it. I put a bit of everything on Rory and Logan’s plates. Rory ate up the potatoes, rice corn and a few peas. Logan only ate the potatoes. *sigh* I HATE mashed potatoes!
There were 3 adults and 3 kids, the kids ranging in age from 7 months to almost 4 years old. All of which who were shoved and packed into a Chrysler Pacifica for the long 26 hour car ride to College Station, TX. What in the world was I thinking? Oh yes, It was that time of year again! The time of year when families gather together to celebrate the holidays. Usually, I happily go 2 miles away to where my mom & dad live and celebrate with them. However, this year we decided to change it up a bit and take my 2 week vacation and spend half of it in Texas with my Sister-in-law and her boyfriend/boyfriend’s family. I’ve never been to Texas so it sounded like a great idea to me. 🙂 The drive was LONG but went surprisingly smoothly. The expected 23 hour drive turned into 26, when you think about all the diapers that need to be changed, and bottles that need to be made, not to forget the snack and potty breaks. The adults arrived utterly exhausted. . . if only the kids felt the same way. Unfortunately, when you are a small child and you have sat still for 26 hours straight, you have this undying urge to destroy the nearest house. . . Sorry Codi & Juan! 😉 So in came my 2 year old and my 4 year old on a rampage, with all sorts of bottled up energy to spare. . . I wish I could have just a quarter of the energy my children have! After spending one day in College Station we headed over to Houston to spend a few days with Juan’s sister Judy and her awesome family. I must say they are lucky they got rid of us when they did as it was hard to leave such an awesome chef! Judy has to be one of the best cooks I’ve ever met! I absolutely adore Mexican food and to get home cooked Mexican food for 2-3 days straight was AMAZING! I even tasted Cow tongue for the first time and it was YUMMY! After a few days in Houston we drove back to College Station and hung out for the evening. The next day Codi took us on a tour of her campus (Texas A&M) and taught me all about sawing off the Longhorns hahaha. We even took the chance for an impromptu session with Codi & Juan. Afterwards, I wanted to get the kids souvenirs, seeing as I am the most illiterate person when it comes to sports and teams so I was laughing and a bit repulsed by the stuffed animals whom had their little horns sawed off. Needless to say, my kids all got hats 😉 Overall it was such a great trip! I was sorry to leave, but am glad to be back in the comfort of my own home 🙂
All Cuddled up with Daddy
His pants were MUCH to big!
Tried to get a picture of Rory giving Aunt Codi a kiss, apparently Rory thought it would be better to lick her. . . NICE
The Aggie Hats!
Oh and this is why I don’t have many pics of the kiddos! Make sure to turn off the music below and turn the volume up. Sorry for the blurriness- I’m a photographer NOT a videographer lol! Look below for what she is saying
The first little bit is hard to understand so here it is :p
Rory- “No No, no pictures”
Mommy- Rory can I take your picture?
Rory- “No Maybe Logan”
Oh and don’t mind the toy cluttered house. . . and yes those are hot dogs my kids are running around with LOL
Never in my life did I think that I would get peed on, on a regular basis, and just accept it. Yet I do. It started when I first brought my daughter home from the hospital (almost 4 years ago). It’s ok, I thought to myself, she’s a girl, she “can’t” pee on me. BOY was I wrong. Not only could she pee on me, I sometimes think she purposely waited for when her diaper was off just so she could see if her aim was improving.
Then came my son, now their pee is far less predictable as it can go in a number of directions. It’s alright though, because after my daughter I’ve got this ‘not getting peed on thing’ DOWN! New Diaper under the bum, quick change and pull up if baby starts to go. So just when I think, ok I’m not going to get peed on anymore, I come up with the brilliant idea to take naked baby bum pics. After all what is cuter than a fresh little baby in their birthday suit? Only one problem, these cute little babies aren’t potty trained. So yep, I get peed on. I get peed on EVERY time I do a newborn session. So I have come to the conclusion that I must ‘like’ to get peed on, because I keep on doing the pics. . . Or maybe, just maybe, the pictures that result from a little ‘pee’ are totally worth it. What do you think? Am I crazy or is this worth a little pee?