Well here goes it! This is my second attempt at a blog! I am hoping that this will be more successful than the first. So why am I deciding to do a blog? Well I have a few reasons! My main reason is self glorification! hahah I am just kidding! Honestly though my first reason is to be inspired! I love photography and I want to be inspired to take pictures EVERY day! So my first reason is to have an outlet for my creativity and to post at least one picture a day! My second reason is so that I can see how I grow as a photographer. I want to perfect my art and so I know that I am getting better I want to be able to look back and see work that I have done and my thoughts on that work! And my last reason, and probably most important is YOU. I want to be able to keep YOU my friends, my family my clients, informed on what I am doing with my photography! I want you to be able to see what is new in my life and see what I am working on everyday! Whether it be a wedding, a birthday party, random pics, or anything else! YOU are my inspiration and my reason for having this blog!
Well to kick off my new blog I will post a quick snapshot I took today