Then and Now

I just got a text from a good friend and an awesome artist. I had given her a couple pics that I had taken of my little ones and asked her to draw them for me in exchange for me taking some pics of her art. Well life gets hectic and we both completely forgot about stuff, and she texts me out of the blue today telling me she finished my daughter’s drawing though she probably looks nothing like that anymore. I told her I had completely forgot about them but I had to go dig up the pics I had given her so I could see just how much Rory has changed this past year. Let me tell you WOW! My kids sure have changed this year. Rory doesn’t look nearly as much like a baby as she used to! And Logan actually looks like a lil person now instead of a roly poly baby!

Rory Then
I can't decide???

Rory now (I know I just posted the ‘now’ pics)
Rory refused to look at me for 99.9% of the pictures lol

Logan Then

Logan Now
this one I could fall down and crash and he STILL wouldn't look at me